Archive for November, 2015


Posted: November 15, 2015 by coachwestbrook in Uncategorized
The start of Nashville Ultra

The start of Nashville Ultra


And they are off, as Westbrook waves

Westbrook completed the 50 miler in 9:48:10 and was 22nd overall place. There were 26 males in the race with Westbrook in a finished place of 15th. Sixteen females ran the 50 miler with only one DNF (did not finish). First place as Senior Grand Master men’s division, Westbrook is a NATIONAL CHAMPION! He had a sore ankle for much of the race and didn’t care for the off road portion. The weather was cloudy and cold throughout. The many hills didn’t do the runners any favors either. He did have his wife, daughter, and exuberant granddaughter at the race for support. Way to go, Westbrook.

Running Nashville Ultra with her Paw Paw

Running Nashville Ultra with her Paw Paw

Waiting for her Paw Paw at the finish of Nashville Ultra 50 Miler

Waiting for her Paw Paw at the finish of Nashville Ultra 50 Miler

Westbrook's first place medal, National Champion, for the Nashville Ultra 50 Miler

Westbrook’s first place medal, National Champion, for the Nashville Ultra 50 Miler

Westbrook receiving his Senior Grand Master award for the Nashville Ultra 50 Miler

Westbrook receiving his Senior Grand Master award for the Nashville Ultra 50 Miler

Westbrook showing his granddaughter his medal.

Westbrook showing his granddaughter his medal.



The race will begin at 7am in the Wave Country parking lot of Nashville, Tennessee. There are different options in the race to run a 50K, 60K, 70K, or 50 miler. Westbrook has chosen the 50 miler.

The unique aspect of this race is the ability to change your distance mid race. If a runner registered for the 60K but is feeling particularly great, he can continue on to complete the 50 miler instead. If a 50 miler is not feeling up to the challenge he can drop down to a 50K. There is a 12 hour cut off to complete any of the distances.

The route is a loop which finishes where it began. There are aid stations at various locations and Westbrook will also have a crew if needed. Wish him luck!