Archive for January, 2017


Well, here we go again.  I’m running through the neighborhood in the rain and cold and thinking about the brand New Year, 2017.  We all know that New Year’s Resolutions abound at this time, and I fit right in with that.  That is, when I’m not thinking how much I don’t like this cold rain during my run…but, what can ya do?

Resolutions grind their way into my brain as I run, putting my thoughts of cold and rain somewhere else.  I try to think back to thoughts earlier in the year in which runs or races told me facets in which I needed improvement.  So, here I go with the resolutions for 2017.  I’m documenting them here so I can be held accountable.

#1.  Improve my diet to insure that I will ingest healthy food for fuel to insure energy for the run and nutrients for recovery.

#2.  Include a muscular strength program at least three day per week.

#3.  Do flexibility work after each run or, at least, at the end of each day.

#4.  Consistently, be attentive to my bio-mechanics during each run.

#5.  Drink more water.

#6.  Include speed work on a weekly basis.

#7.  Plan ahead with my runs and races.

That seems to be all that I can remember as I ran about what I needed to do to improve my running.  I haven’t been too good in the past with resolutions.  Hopefully, this year will be better.

As I neared the finish of my 11+ miles today, I began to have second thoughts about this stuff.  I decided that I needed to simplify this plan.  So, in my last mile, I had an epiphany, a manifestation of the reality of resolutions.  I made a change before I reached my home front finish.

I gladly finished,being cold and wet, with the satisfaction of simplifying my 2017 RESOLUTIONS to:  #1.  Run every damn day!

Simple, huh?